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The Pontian Wedding

The Pontian Greeks used the term "pleasure" instead of the word marriage, emphasizing on the happy event of the wedding.

On Saturday night, two separate celebrations were taking place, one at the home of the groom and one at the home of the bride. In the Pontian wedding, for any act or habit done, the best man, the groom or the relatives have to give money in return. For example, the shaving of the groom where the barber pretends that the razor does not cut, expecting a bonus from the best man.

On Sunday, early in the afternoon, the groom, best man, relatives and friends begin with the escort of musical instruments for “nyfeparman”, i.e. to get the bride. There, the best man has to pay for the bride to wear her shoes and the farewell party takes place just before they leave for the wedding.

During the coronation ceremony, when the priest says "Isaiah dance" the friends of the best man that stand behind him, lift him up and will let him down only when he offers a tip.

After the crowning, the wedding procession heads to the groom's house where the bride will break a plate for good luck. Late in the afternoon, the wedding dinner follows accompanied by music and dancing while the guests bring gifts for the newlyweds.

In many villages, especially in those where the residents originate from Caucasus, like Iliolousto and Chorygi, the guests offer money to the newlyweds and the best man.

The Pontian wedding ends on the dawn of Monday with music and dancing.

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